*Fix date and Time*

Harry Potter A Forbidden Forest Experience (Monday to Thursday)

Adult  $60  (U.P. SGD 63.00)    

Child  $49  (U.P. SGD 51.00)

7:30pm, 7:45pm, 8:00pm, 8:45pm, 9:00pm, 9:15pm, 9:30pm 9:45pm, 10:00pm


*Fix date and Time*

PEAK (Friday – Sunday) Public holidays

Adult  $93  (U.P. SGD 100.00)    

Child  $82  (U.P. SGD 87.00)

7:30pm, 7:45pm, 8:00pm, 8:45pm, 9:00pm, 9:15pm, 9:30pm 9:45pm, 10:00pm


 Please Whatsapp: +6591018948


Child (4-12years)


-The ticket allows a single entry where the experience is a one-way journey and guests will not be allowed to re-enter the experience.

-Peak Ticket is available from Friday to Sunday

-Duration: approx. 45–60 minutes (the walking trail will take approx. 30–45 minutes)

-Accessibility: please be aware that this is a park trail. The pathway is paved, but there are narrow sections towards the end of the trail which can make it difficult for wheelchair access.

-Location: Coastal Trail, Sentosa



UEN: 53462163E  PayNow/Lah/Dash

OCBC Bank: 595-211467-001

Wise / BigPay:  +6591018948

Once the fund is transferred We will Whatsapp you the tickets