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Multiple Quantity Listing

For Seller

If the seller has more than one of the same item to sell, then this listing is known as Multiple Quantity Listing. The seller needs to specify the max quantity of items available for sale. The price specified in the listing is per item and not the total amount of entire quantity.

This offers flexibility for buyers intending to buy multiple quantitities of the same items. At the same time, the buyer can also choose to buy only partial quantity. Seller will be notified the actual quantity sold once there is a winner or buyer for their listing.

Although seller may offer multiple quantities for sale, there will only be one winner at any given listing cycle. When someone purchases at least one item from your listing, the entire listing will end and both seller & buyer will be notified of the actual quantity purchased. The seller can then update the latest available quantity as necessary and resubmit the listing for sale.

For Buyer

When bidding on a Multiple Quantity Listing, the buyer can specify the quantity desired. There is no obligation to purchase the entire quantity offered for sale.

When bidding or buying, the buyer will always specify the unit price that he is willing to pay for the item. The bidding price is always on per item basis and our system will automatically calculate the total amount based on the specified quantity on the purchase confirmation page.

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