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About adpasar

The little story

adpasar was initially founded by Lucian Pan in late 2008 as a local Online Auction site in Singapore. Disappointed by other similar sites that pay very little attention to the needs of average Singaporean shoppers & sellers, Lucian quietly coded adpasar by himself at his HDB flat mostly during wee hours when parents and everybody else are in the bed.

Today, adpasar is one of the leading online marketplaces in Singapore for shoppers, bargain hunters and for anyone to sell online.

The inspiration & hope

"Pasar" is a Malay and Indonesian word literally means "market" or marketplace. Traditionally in Singapore and some neighboring countries, the word "Pasar" is commonly used when referring to the wet market where the locals shop for meat, fish, vegetables, fruits etc.

We hope adpasar will bring great convenience for every single person in Singapore who wishes to find good deals or sell online. If you like to be flexible and deal fast, it is our hope that you will find adpasar the right place for you to shop or make money.

Keep the motivation going …

Everything in adpasar is created with a personal touch.

If you like what Lucian has built or love to see how stuff can work better, he will be very interested to hear from you personally. And what you need to do is to simply write us a message using the site contact form.

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A community to Buy & Sell anything under the SUN

ADPASAR graphics, logos, scripts, designs, and other service names are the trademarks and copyright of adpasar.

adpasar © 2021