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Feedback & Reputation Score

Every adpasar member is given a feedback & reputation profile. It includes a rating number & comments from other members that have transacted with him.
For example:

 example_seller (68)
means that this member has a net positive rating of 68.
How it actually works
The feedback rating system is easy to understand. Members who have completed transactions with you can submit feedback about their experience. You will receive:
  •  +1 point for positive comment
  •   0 points for neutral comment
  •  -1 point for negative comment
Check feedback before purchasing
Before bidding for or purchasing an item, you may check the seller's reputation by clicking on the number next to their nickname, or from any feedback hyperlink where applicable. Sellers may also view the feedback profiles of buyers to see how reliable they've been in the past.

Important note regarding feedback.

Bear in mind that the feedback & rating you post is permanent. You shall only submit fair and factual comments to other members.
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