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Feedback for adlieyn

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User ID: adlieyn
Register Date:  October 07, 2009
Items for sale: [0]

This feedback is ordered most-recent first. Each comment is attributed to its author who takes full responsibility for the comment.

Listing # Rating Feedback Comments For By Member Date
1261299587 Complaint: Buyer who said things that are not truth. Hi, i think i had apologised, pls don't make it sounds like i never at all. 15 days to bid is for the auction length, which u ought to follow. & 1 week because i had my exams, had informed on the bidding end day itself didn't i? & u agreeded also, Pls keep priorities right, exams is more important than selling. If u think i should observe the auction length well, in the end i might have to increase the auction length which is less beneficial to u. & i had specially arranged the following day aft my exams end, thurs to meetup with u already when my normal meeting days are sat only but u claim u can't make it. i tried to compromise as much as possible with u already. Pls don't make it sounds like i am very free aft my exams, aft my exams i got much more things to do also, i am not attending to only u 1 customer alone, hope u understand. I even allow pay on spot & collect, when i stated clearly payment to be in within 24 hours aft sucessfully bidded. u didn't follow the rules. & ur friend suzy who wanted to buy the fcup cookie, like went mia or backout. She didn't made payment like u first also. & i checked with the mobile shop, the min. they buy is $50 not $40, previous bidder bidded for around $48.50, but was a deadbuyer thus it was up on sale again. Moreover, the actual cost i bought for it was much more than it & it was still in good working conditions. But it's still partly my fault for not informing u earlier the increase of price, i told my parents on the day itself only, but i had apologised, pls mind ur words. Buyer dressheavenly(2) 2010-02-26
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