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Feedback for jewel_parfum

Positive Neutral Negative
28 0 2
Total Positive
User ID: jewel_parfum
Register Date:  September 26, 2009
Items for sale: [0]

This feedback is ordered most-recent first. Each comment is attributed to its author who takes full responsibility for the comment.

Listing # Rating Feedback Comments For By Member Date
1268053503 Praise: a++++ seller good quality items, great price! Seller drsupnad(1532) 2010-07-21
1264693252 Complaint: Comment on Classic Hallmark Dior monogram Canvas Saddle bag: What can you explain for the smell in the bag then? Could it be your perfume? I washed it for 5 times and took it to a shop for servicing. They charged me $80 for it. Really regretted buying it. When I gave feedback on the buyer, she did not apologize but instead, she said I was unreasonable. It does not hurt to ask a few questions right? It is MY money so I have the right to ask before I pay right? I sell bags personally too and I think that its you that is very unreasonable to sell a bag of such smell to others. Did you even open up the bag and check before selling? If you STILL insist that the bag is not smelly at all, then I think there's something wrong with your nose. Its not only me that said the bag is smelly but my family members and friends did too. Plus, I am the only one that had bid on the bag. Why do you have to rush into it so much? Am very very disappointed! Seller edand1(-1) 2010-02-18
1264694229 Complaint: very disappointed. the seller was quite rude and the items received were very very smelly and dirty. The smell that hit me was like rotten meat and even when i gave it to my maid,she also refused to use it because of the smell.the sweat of the seller was stained on the bag.she told me that there was no stain but it was stained with all her sweat. the blue-white bag seems like blue-yellow to me. when it was washed,the water changed colour into brown. i still could not get rid of the smell after washing it for many times. i don't know how the seller managed to keep the bag into such a condition. i should have asked for more details before buying the bag. now i learnt my lesson. Seller edand1(-1) 2010-02-11
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